Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Time to take a look at the news...

There was the tragedy in Brussels the other day - when some terrorists set off  explosives, killing 35 people and injuring over 300 more.  Humans.  Why can't you just get along?  You know, I bet those terrorist humans don't own dogs.  How could they?  

As a result of this recent attack, the demand for us canines is going up.  Well - certain canines.  They call them Vapor Dogs. These dogs are different from scent detection dogs who sniff out parcels or backpacks or other objects that contain explosives.  Vapor dogs can detect the scent of explosives in the air.  They can actually walk through a crowd - and determine if bomb components are in the area.  And they will follow the vapor until they are close to the source.  These dogs are in so much demand now - that the trainers of these dogs can't even meet the demand.  

I'm a Vapor dog.  When it comes to wildlife.  And actually, Frodo is too.  Yesterday morning, my human took Frodo and I for a walk with our buddy Jackson.  She let the good dog, Frodo, off leash with Jackson, and for a few moments, also let me off leash.  And everything was going OK.  Until our vapor skills kicked in.  Frodo suddenly put his nose in the air - and stared toward the woods.  And then I smelled it.  And we both headed for the woods.  Frodo of course came back when called.  But not me.  The vapor was tooooooooo strong.  And all the shouting by my human and Jackson's human could NOT convince me to come back.  My human wasn't too stressed as I was wearing a collar with my tags and a bell.  And unfortunately, for me,  the bell scared off whatever it was I was vaporizing.  So within two minutes, I was running back to the group.  At which point, you guessed it, I was put back on a leash.  Vapor skills squashed.  Again.

And in a good news story, there is a guy in Denver, Colorado by the name of Steve Greig.  A couple of years ago, Steve was very sad when his dog went to the Rainbow Bridge.  So since then, he has decided to adopt old dogs - that no one else would want to adopt. He has 10 senior dogs, and even has a pig and a chicken.  And I know there are other humans like Steve out there.  It's refreshing to hear stories about GOOD people - since the news is often full of stories about that small percentage of the population who are BAD.  Sometimes we need to keep that in mind...

And on the homefront news - Paxton is eating even more food.  Mind you, he INSISTS that my human feed him by hand.  He is TOTALLY milking this sick thing.  But my human doesn't care - she would stand on her head if it would make him eat.  Well.  Maybe not exactly stand on her head.  Her acrobatic skills are NOT that good.  And then we would be nursing HER.

Excuse me while I go and see what my human is doing - I THINK I smell the vapor of dog food.  Have a great day!

©  Linda Wozniak

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