Sunday, August 13, 2017

Deer flies. And the hooded stranger.

So sometimes I REALLY wonder about the FG.  He seems to be VERY smart sometimes.  And then other times...

It's August.  And with August comes the arrival of some unwelcome guests.  In May it was the dreaded black flies.  Those guys are tiny, but love to bite - humans and animals alike. They have pretty much disappeared and NOW the dive bombing,  triangular-shaped flying piranhas have arrived.  The deer flies.  Google them if you're not familiar with them.  And yes - they are as ugly as they look.  On a calm, hot sunny day, they can be a menace in wooded areas.  In fact, this week my human refused to take us on the public trail down the road certain mornings, because she can't stand the idea of being swarmed.  As she walks, she watches them fly over her head like a group of aircraft, and quickly descend on us canines.  And it's interesting - they prefer dark colors.  So between me and Einstein, I have more following me.  And heaven forbid our friend Jackson, the black Lab is out with us.  Ever see that character, Pig Pen in the Charlie Brown cartoons?   Where he is surrounded by particles of dirt?  Picture those particles being deer flies - all around poor Jackson.  The same used to be true for Paxton.  

The deer flies also LOVE to attack humans too.  Especially their heads.  So in the past few weeks, my human has been sporting a white hooded sweatshirt during our morning walks.  Now I don't want to imply that these cannibals are EVERYWHERE - they seem to like certain areas along the public trail.   The swampy areas.  When my human does take us on the trail, she quickly pulls us along through those areas where they seem to be worse.  And of course, you KNOW that's when we want to poop.  So she stands there with her hood up, praying that we go quickly, while trying to bat off any one that lands on us.

Anyway, this week, my human took the FG out for his walk.  They were walking along the paths at the golf course.  Suddenly, they reached an area where there were some flies.  So my human put up her hood.  So here we have Mr. Observant.  The guy who carefully watches every bird in the heavens.  Who studies blowing leaves.  And notices things like a garbage can placed in a new location.  They are happily walking along and my human puts up her hood.   He glances up, looks at her and jumps backward with his ears back and tail between his legs like he was meeting a burglar in a dark alley.  Seriously.  So my human puts down her hood - and keep in mind that her face was NOT covered, and he is all happy again.  I mean it's not like he hasn't seen her wearing a jacket with a hood.  Or a hat!  Honestly, this guy never ceases to interest me... Ya gotta love him... Maybe he was doing it just to be funny?  Suuuuuuuure he was...

Well another day of fetching ahead.  Hopefully my human can keep the fetch toy off the roof today... yup.  Never a dull moment!

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!


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