Wednesday, August 16, 2017

All for the sake of a good photo…

So by now, if you have been following my blog for ANY amount of time, you must know that besides helping me write this daily account on the lives of three crazy canines, Worry Wart likes to take photos of us.  That's my new nickname for my human.  Now I should probably mention that she actually likes to take photos of LOTS of things - but if you looked at the 35,679 stored in some imaginary cloud in outer space, 34,998 are probably of dogs.  Proper thing.  And she is always looking to find a UNIQUE image of us.  I mean she has LOTS of close up shots of us, lots of posed shots, and lots of shots wearing horrid holiday attire.  She also LOVES to catch a candid shot of us - when we are NOT posed.  And those, of course, are the hard photos to catch - as we rarely stay still.  Anyway, those candid shots - IF she manages to get one, are often her favorite photos - and honestly, you would not BELIEVE what she goes through to get them.  And the other night - she almost hung up her smart phone for good - the photo result was almost not worth the effort.

On Monday night Worry Wart decided she needed some of that "relaxation time" that I referred to yesterday.  So after supper, out came the marrow bones.  The three of us went on the deck and proceeded to experience dog heaven on earth.  We went into the chewing frenzy zone.  So after a while, Worry Wart looked out and saw that we were about to have another magnificent sunset.  Her sunset photos don't tie the dog photos in number - but they are right up there.  So she decided to head down to the lake, and she decided to take the FG with her.  Einstein and I didn't care - we were in the "marrow zone." 

Worry Wart hasn't had a chance to trim the grass on the shore for over a week - so she figured it would already be tall.  So she wore her rubber boots.  And off they went.  As they came through the woods, they were greeted by an amazing sunset.  So Worry Wart rushed to snap some shots, while the FG gorged on grass and sniffed around.  So she's shooting away - and of course, the FG suddenly decided HE needed to be IN the water.  So now the sunset photos include a dog.  That's OK - it's the illusive candid dog shot.  She shoots away.  She glances through them after she takes a few and decides they are not all that great, but by now the FG has come back on shore.  Keep in mind - he IS on a leash.  So in her not-so-infinite wisdom, Worry Wart decides to entice the FG back into the water.  She is wearing rubber boots after all, so she steps in.  And he follows.  He wades out.  She thinks she is about to capture the National Geographic award winning candid dog photo.  But nope.  The FG  turns around and BOLTS back onto the shore.  At this point, Worry Wart has her smart phone in her left hand and is holding onto the leash in her right hand.  His sudden movement catches her off balance and her rubber boots IMMEDIATELY fill with water.  And she is heading down.  She CANNOT let her left hand go into the water.  It's one of those slow motion moments. Only one thing to do - hold her left arm above her head and fall onto a rock that's on the shoreline.  Her knee meets it with a crunch and for 2 seconds Einstein and I look up when we hear the shout "THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY."    We just shrugged our shoulders and went back to chewing.

Five minutes later, we see one very revved up wet Picard and one achy human limping along with a scraped knee and rubber boots full of water. The phone survived, and THANKFULLY out of the 89 photos she quickly shot - she DID like a few.

Ah, yes.  All for the sake of a good photo.  Good thing we love her...And she calls US crazy...

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up.

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