Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Killer bunnies

August 30.  On  this day in 1979, then President Jimmy Carter was attacked.  By a rabbit.  My human vaguely remembers this event.  It seems Jimmy was out on a canoe trip, and was fishing and a crazed rabbit, who was probably being chased, started swimming for Jimmy’s boat.  Jimmy splashed his paddle in the water, the loony bunny swam the other direction, hit the shore and took off. Who knew bunnies can swim?!  It apparently was a big news item: Killer Bunny attacks President. Pretty scary news.

Each morning, we are pretty much guaranteed to see a bunny or two.  There are LOADS of them this year.  And they are getting more and more brazen.  Even the FG who was initially just mildly  interested in them, has now become rather excited when he sees one.  He even sniffs the ground where one has been – and if he was off leash, he would probably now try and chase one.  So now we have a houseful of bunny loving dogs!  My lucky human.

And speaking of the FG running, he gave my human a bit of a scare the other day.  We were all hanging out on the deck together.  My human’s mother was visiting and was sitting out on the deck as  well.   Suddenly, my human looked around and noticed that the FG was not on the deck. She began to panic.  How did he escape?  Did he jump OVER the railing?  That would be crazy as the deck is HiGH up.  And then she noticed something.  The gate on the deck, at the top of the stairs was partly open.  It must have been left open by one of the roofing guys.  She raced down the stairs to see if she could catch him.  Good luck.  He realized he was free and off he dashed into the woods and he headed down the trail to the lake.  And this time my human did something she hasn’t done before.  She didn’t chase him.  She waited.  And she said to her mother that if he wasn’t back in 15 minutes she would go to look for him.  But she didn’t need to look – in less than  3 minutes he was racing back through the woods and bolting through the front door when my human opened it.  She WAS heading out to look for him – so much for the 15 minute waiting period.  But he did come back, happy and out of breath.  Clearly he had a zoomie moment.  Hey MAYBE he DID chase a bunny!

Anyway – time to go back on bunny patrol.  Clearly some of those bunnies CAN be dangerous!  Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!

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