Sunday, February 22, 2015


You know, we canines have a very special ability.  We are able to “cute-onize” our humans.  It’s that innate skill that we have to get our human’s attention when they are doing something else.  Like talking on the phone, working on the computer or watching TV.  The idea is to quietly sit near your human and simply stare, using every fiber in your being to look as absolutely cute as possible.  The key is NOT to be pushy, by jumping on their lap.  Just sit close and stare.  It’s helpful if you can even cock your head to one side.  And then you cute-onize them.  You get them to focus and you and drop everything they are doing.  It’s like you have them under your spell….

I am a MASTER at cute-onizing.  Like yesterday.  What a day for my poor human.  We had pouring  rain – after all of our snow the past 2 weeks – and it turned our driveway into a luge course.   On top of that – our roof was still covered with snow – and now it was HEAVY snow.  No – thankfully our roof did not collapse – BUT we had a water dripping around one of the ceiling lights.  Oh-uh.  It seems likely that there is a leak around one of the vents on the roof. And water was getting in with the pouring rain and frozen snow.  So WHAT to do? Well – the snow piles were so high around the house – that my human could stand on them – and using a rake get SOME of the snow off the roof.  The  rake worked for part of the roof– but wasn’t long enough – so – and keep this in mind if you ever need to get snow off your roof – a kayak paddle works wonders.  Tedious, SLOW wonders – but she did manage to get more of the snow off the roof.  Not all of the snow by any means - but snow where the dripping was happening.  And after she cleared the snow,  the dripping stopped.  Getting the snow off the roof was not the solution totally – but it worked for now.

When she came in after several hours of neck stretching, arm pushing, back breaking work she collapsed on the couch in the DFZ.  Frodo and I of course needed to push the gate open to check on her.  I mean if she was injured, or worse yet, dead – who was going to feed us our supper?  Just kidding – I’m not THAT bad!  But we DID want to see what she was doing.

As she was sitting there, I calmly went over to cute-onize her.  I wasn’t pushy.  I didn’t jump up.  I didn’t whine or bark.  I just cute-onized her.  So she forgot all her aches and pains and started petting me – and even gave me a big hug.  The cute-onizing worked – AND now you see – the benefits of cute-onizing can be NOT only for the canine – but the human as well…

Give it a try... and have a great day!

©  2015 Linda Wozniak

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