Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow. And insanity.


The night before last, my human and her mother rented a movie with Hillary Swank and Tommy Lee Jones.  It was about this woman in the 1800’s who was transporting a group of three women across West – because well, the three women had basically gone insane due to the isolation and challenging circumstances.  It was interesting….

Yesterday, we had a BIG snowstorm just as the weather people had forecast.  For once they got it right.  It was snowing like crazy when we got up – and THEN in the afternoon, it began to pour rain.  

As I predicted, it was a day for UGH – grooming.  Well, at least Frodo got groomed. Unfortunately, while my human was grooming Frodo, she trimmed his nails.  And ONE nail she nipped a bit too short (his dewclaw) and it started to bleed.  She didn’t have any of that styptic stuff – so she used flour – and stopped the bleeding.  No problem.

 While my human was wrestling 45+lbs of fur, the man who plows our driveway came.  We have a LONG driveway – you can’t see the road from our house and the driveway slopes part way.  Our plow guy is great.  He always does his job.  Except for yesterday.  My human never heard him because she was busy wrestling.  Anyway when she emerged sweating and out of breath from the grooming room she noticed a HUGE pile of snow. Blocking the middle of our driveway.  I mean HUGE.  Like 4 feet tall – and 4 feet wide.  There was no way around the wall if we wanted to get out.  She figured the plow guy MIGHT have found the snow too heavy – because this was the raining stage and he couldn’t move it the pile down the hill.  So she figured he would be back.

So my human emerged from the grooming den, saw the blockade in the driveway,  and went to take a shower.  She comes out of the shower, feeling refreshed for all of 2.3 minutes.  She comes into the kitchen and Frodo’s entire LEG is red with blood.  He looked like someone tried to murder him.  Of course, what happened was that he started licking the dewclaw, it opened up and started bleeding everywhere.  My human scooped him up and used more flour.  That seemed to stop it.  But this time – she also put a sterile pad and some vet wrap on his leg – to keep him from licking it and restarting the bleeding.  

So.  Now my human begins to stress – because it appears we are really and truly STUCK in the house.  There is no way a vehicle could get to our house and because we don’t own a Hummer, we can’t get out.  And Frodo keeps pacing like MAD because he hates that his leg is wrapped.  And I keep trying desperately to help Frodo get that bandage off.   And when my human tells Frodo to lie down – he looks at her like she has said two words he has NEVER heard in his life.  And Paxton just keeps trying to get on my human’s lap because none of us had a REALLY good run with the stormy weather in the morning and he just wants attention.  And of course my human’s mother is concerned because she had initially planned to go home and now she has visions of being stuck here with us until spring.  So she keeps telling my human that she had better call the plow guy to see if he is coming back.

At which point my human looks at all of us and says “Now I understand how those women in the movie went INSANE!!!!!!!”

We all just looked at her and shrugged our shoulders.  Frodo promptly lay down and went to sleep.  Pax started chewing on a bone and I looked up heavy equipment operators on the internet to remove our snow wall. Seriously – I am so happy I’m not a human.

Today my human’s mother goes home…if we can get out of here. And I THINK I’ll be wearing the crown.  Although…the forecast IS calling for more snow…

©  2015 Linda Wozniak

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