Wednesday, February 4, 2015


WHY didn’t I go?  Seriously.  It would have made ALL the difference in the WORLD.  Where you ask?  To see the Groundhog on February 2!

Groundhog day is a North American “celebration” of sorts. I understand it actually had its origins in European weather folklore – but the big celebrations SEEM to be in the US and Canada.  Legend has it that the groundhog comes out of his den on February 2 – and IF it is sunny and he sees his shadow – he gets scared and runs back in his den and we will have 6 more weeks of winter.  If it is cloudy – he won’t see his shadow and - well -I guess winter will be shorter – although the “official” date for Spring is March 21 anyway.

In the US, thousands of people go to see Punxsutawney Phil – in Pennsylvania- the most famous US groundhog– to find out about his forecast.  Here in Nova Scotia – we have our own groundhog – Shubenacadie Sam.  Who knew – there are loads of these critters across North America doing the same thing on February 2.  And it doesn’t appear that they need to have 4 or more syllables in their first name (for example, there’s just plain - Fred in Quebec and Nibbles in North Carolina).  Then there is also Chattanooga Chuck...and Susquehanna Sherman...

So.  On February 2 – a bunch of hardy souls waited for Phil and Sam.  And guess what?  They both saw their shadows.  Which means…dum da dum dum…6 more weeks of winter.  Some people really believe in the rodent’s forecast.  I say, that if they JUST taken me – and planted me outside Sam’s den – well – spring would be RIGHT around the corner.   He would he have not seen his shadow because he would never have come out!

Maybe next year.

©  2015  Linda Wozniak

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