Saturday, February 7, 2015

Who nose...

Did you know that we canines have our own unique “fingerprints?!”  On our NOSES!  Our noses are unique – just like the fact that human fingerprints are unique.  I didn’t know that – and it certainly is a fact that I will keep in mind in the future!  It means my human can look at those smudges on the French doors, on the front of the oven door, on the sliding glass doors to the decks, on the fridge, on the dishwasher – all of the “olfactory art” and she can tell EXACTLY who did it! Hmmm….I wonder if I could market doggie ID cards with our nose prints…now there’s a money making scheme!

Speaking of money making – or more like money losing in our house – our human took out the Trubble Game that we got for Christmas, and decided to give it another try with us.  Frodo has absolutely NO patience for it.  He just sits and barks at my human – saying “this is FOOLISH.  Find me some sheep.”  Paxton tries to devour the entire game board.  But voila – I am a Trubble superstar.  Well, superstar MIGHT be a bit of a stretch – but I certainly played the longest.  And I am STARTING to figure out that you PULL with your paw and you PUSH with your nose.  I think if we play a bit more consistently (hint-hint human) I WILL figure it out.

The day before yesterday my human had the day off – so she and her mother went to do some shopping.  And my human bought two new area rugs for the bedroom. Ahhhh. BRAND new rugs.  So of course, I felt they SHOULD be “christened”…  At about 4AM, my human heard the dreaded telltale urky gurky sound.  The one that we canines make JUST before we are about to throw up.  My human is a pretty sound sleeper – but that sound IMMEDIATELY wakes her up and she JUMPS out of bed.  She managed to usher me to the hardwood floor where I deposited a lovely “product.”  I think that’s the first time I have thrown up like that.  Of course, in a rather odd human ritual, my human had to study what it was I threw up (sorry for the disgusting topic – but that’s life with us canines).  She has a sinking feeling it MIGHT have been a poopsicle (and yes, that is even MORE disgusting).  Anyway, I am feeling fine and dandy today.  So anyway, the new carpets have been spared.  For now.

I'm still vying for the favorite grand-dog good.  I think I impressed her with my Trubble skills...

Have a good one!

©  2015  Linda Wozniak

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