Sunday, April 10, 2016

Did you say FLEAS?!

So yesterday morning, we got my human up just after 6.  Honestly, WHAT is the point of trying to sleep in on the weekend?  When she opened her eyes, she found not one but two PONs on the bed.  Surprise!  Aren’t we adorable?

She took us out for our morning jaunt, but we couldn’t go on the trail – it was WAY too muddy.  It had rained on Friday – a LOT – and the only way my human would have got Velcro dog down that trail would have been by carrying him.  Remember – puddles and Frodo do NOT mix.  It’s actually quite comical to watch him avoid them.  He looks at the path and plans his circuitous route.  And I follow him.  The cool thing about our walk yesterday - we heard something.  A sound that my human loves to hear – and for us marks the real return of spring.  It was the LOONS.  They returned to the lake...

After our jaunt, my human made a shocking announcement.  She was going to a “Flea Market.”  WHAT?!  A place to GET fleas?!  I mean my human is always looking for natural concoctions to keep us from getting fleas.  And ticks.  We’ve never HAD fleas – so WHY go to a market to get some??!  Imagine my embarrassment when I found out that a FLEA market doesn’t actually SELL fleas.  Ooops.

Of course when my human got home, she decided it was time to go on a house clearing rampage.  Heaven help us.  Now SHE wants to sell stuff.  Frodo indicated that I had better hide any bones I haven’t been chewing on – anything COULD be fair game.  And there is no doubt that some dog related items WILL be going on the “selling” list…The giant elephant sized hard plastic kennel – that she has NEVER used.  But it was a “bargain”.  A bargain which sits in the garage.  Someone must have need for a crate that won’t fit in any vehicle besides a transport truck.  Good one. 

And then there is the automatic “feeder.”  It dispenses dry dog (or cat) food at selected times.  My human had to use it with a Labrador – years ago – who had a health problem – and needed to eat small meals throughout the day.  She had to set it high up on a counter – out of reach – and it dispensed the food into a bowl on the floor.  Had it been on the floor, that Labrador would have bashed it apart to get into the food.   Sounds just like a PON…

There’s a fantastic leather carting harness….  My human HAD been thinking of selling it before Paxton left us.  She has never used it – so it will go.  But not the other carting equipment…that stays.  Even though it’s unlikely Frodo or I will be doing any draft work any time soon.  We’re HERDING dogs.  Mind you - we don’t particularly love sheep.  Maybe we SHOULD try drafting…

It’s springtime.  Although I hate to acknowledge that we actually awoke this morning to a blanket of snow!  But I predict that is IT for snow this season.  Spring will be back in full force tomorrow!  So it's a good time to do a good cleaning and clearing out.  Time for a fresh start.  Excuse me while I go and hide some of my toys…before they are sold!

©  Linda Wozniak

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