Friday, April 1, 2016

The B-E-A-R......

Oh my GOODNESS.  We sure had excitement here last night.  Well –actually this morning…

It was about 2:30 AM and Paxton gave his classic “Boof – boof” call while my human was sound asleep.  Which meant he wanted to go out.  My human looked at him, crawled out of bed and threw on her attractive dog-hair covered sweat pants and matching drool-covered top – over her pajamas.  He didn’t appear to be in a huge hurry – but my human figured he better go out.  She put on her trusty headlamp, and out they went.  Into the front yard.

And when they went out – she noticed that our green bin – which holds organic waste – including the 5 unfinished cans of dog food that Paxton didn’t want to eat last week – was knocked over.  And it’s a BIG bin.  So as she was standing there, and Paxton was having a 2 minute pee – WHAT came around the corner of the house?!  A BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My human froze.  And so did Paxton.  Now the good news – Paxton doesn’t really go crazy about wildlife.  He’s curious, but doesn’t pull to go and meet other animals.  The bear looked as surprised as my human and Paxton were.  And my human quickly surmised that they could slowly walk back into the house.  EXCEPT….the door had not been completely closed.  And GUESS who ELSE spotted the bear?  Me.  And Frodo.  And GUESS who knows how to open the door?  Bam.  Frodo and I were OUT that door.  Barking like CRAZY.  My human shouted “NOOOOOOOOOO” at the top of her lungs.  So now everyone within a 10 mile radius was probably awake.  The bear took one look at the raging fuzzy creatures and bolted for the nearest tree.  And up he went.  With two PONs in hot pursuit.  We didn’t know what we were going to do with him – but we did know, we wanted him OUT of our yard.  My human raced in the house and grabbed two leashes and raced back out – imploring us to come to her.  Frodo DID go back – but not me.  I mean this was better than a bunny!!!!!! The bear was up in the tree – I never knew they could climb so fast.   My human cautiously approached the base of the tree -while I was frantically running around the bottom, barking like MAD.  She grabbed me and pulled me away, while watching the bear.  And do you know what she said to me? …

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April Fool!   Did I get you again this year?!   My human is afraid that since I made this up - with my luck, it will now come true!  I say nah - what bear in his right mind would EVER come in OUR yard?! 

Now let me see what other pranks I can play today!

©  Linda Wozniak

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