Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pay it Forward Day!!

April 28.  The last Thursday in April.  And today is Pay It Forward Day.  A day to do some random act of kindness.  Like pay for a stranger's coffee.  Donate to a charity.  Provide something to a homeless person - whether it's a bit of change or a sandwich.  Drop off some supplies for pets at a shelter.  Give a PON a treat for no reason.  It's kind of sad that humans need to be reminded to be nice, but hey, if it works, I say go for it.  Remember- your act need not include money - it can be as easy as letting another car in a traffic lane - or saying good day to a stranger.  And do you know what?  When you do the act, it not only helps others, but you will feel good too!  According to the Pay it Forward website, over 75 countries  will be taking part - and they are hoping for 10 million acts of kindness.

And what will I do?   Hmmmmmm.  Maybe I'll let Velcro dog have a bone.  Or I'll share a treat.  Now THAT would REALLY be something. Or I won't chase the bunny.  Nah.  Scrap that one.  

Anyway - be nice today.  Show unconditional love for others.  Or at least unconditional like.  Basically - act like a dog!

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