Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mundane news: Banana racing, hair "matters" and bunny trading.

Besides wild squirrels, what's new around here....well first off, with the warmer weather and daybreak getting earlier every day, Velcro dog has decided that our normal walk is JUST not long enough.  I think he figures that since my human ONLY needs to take one walk in the morning instead of two now, the one should be longer.  So he won't poop unless it's an extra long walk.  He is basically making her get up earlier and earlier.  Wish I had thought of it.

He has also in the past two weeks, started a new routine - the banana race.  He has always loved bananas- but now he started this thing where he wolfs down his breakfast- even faster than normal - which is hard to believe is possible- and then he RACES to the cupboard for a banana.  Whether my human is there or not.  He just races there and stares at the bananas.  Now bananas are a good source of Vitamins C and B6 and potassium and other good stuff - but because of the sugar content, some sources say we dogs should only eat them in moderation.  Tell that to Velcro dog! One banana is shared between me, Velcro dog and my human. When that one is gone, he still keeps staring.  Until my human says "give it up." His new nickname is KK.  Short for King Kong.

The title for best Find-the-Bunny finder is at a tie right now.  I think I'm better than KK, but I must admit, he IS getting better. And my human is hiding the bunny in more obscure places. But we find him.  Every time.  However, I suppose KK IS better at giving the bunny up once he finds him.  Me? Not so much.  And if my human attempts to trade some treats for the bunny, well she has to throw them at me-  I get so excited I nearly take off her fingers. 

Rumor has it our obedience lesson is this weekend. Which will of course mean some extra grooming.  As if you have to look nice to act nice. Which reminds me of one last thing - and one bit of trouble I was in.  Again.   My human was scratching Velcro dog's ears and horrors - she discovered....are you ready...a mat.  The word "mat" is like a swear word in this house.  So she whisked him into the torture chamber and combed out that horrid mat.  She realized it was because yours truly had been doing some hair styling.  BUT - what made "matters" worse- Velcro dog had a sore IN his ear too.  Yup, I had been licking the inside of his ear in between styling.  Velcro dog had some special cream put on his ear and yours truly got "the face" again.  Do you THINK I can go for 48 hours without getting in SOME trouble?!  Nah.  

Anyway, that's our mundane news from here.  Hope YOUR day is anything BUT mundane!

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