Sunday, April 24, 2016

I want a puppy...

You know, I'm pretty lucky that my human doesn't return me for a refund.  Honestly, I CAN be a bit much at times...  Like the other morning...we were just ready to go out the door for our morning walk, and while my human was jumbling keys and leashes and poop bags - Velcro dog and I spotted THE BUNNY in the yard. OMG.  We pushed open the  screen door - and we were OFF.  Of course the good dog didn't go in the woods- his feet would have gotten wet and dirty.  But seriously, who cares?!  I went.  BUT I was attached to a leash which quickly got entangled in some branches.  So I was stuck, barking at the now long gone bunny.  My human had to struggle through the dense brush to get me and release me from my self-imposed bondage.  Ooooooo-eeeeeee.  She gave me a very mad look. I call it "giving me the face." And she shook her head. I was just being helpful - did she really want bunny balls left on our lawn?

We went for a long walk with Jackson and one of his humans yesterday.  Velcro dog was able to run off leash.  But for SOME reason I had to stay ON a leash.  Go figure.  This time I was the one giving my human "the face."

A friend asked my human if we will get a puppy any time soon - because this household has had three dogs FORVEVER.  I vote yes - then I won't have to be the baby any more.  Mind you- I do enjoy being the baby because I think the baby CAN get away with things...   But I sure would like to have a puppy.  I would like a Bernese... but I'm not so sure my human can be convinced.  She loves Bernese and it's been more than 20 years since this home has not had a Bernese. But they don't live very long....and it's hard on a human's heart.  NOT that she regrets ever having been owned by any of her Bernese - but I don't know if she can live with the constant worrying about their health.  I think having one go to the Rainbow Bridge at just 3.5 because of cancer was extra hard... My human lived in constant fear with every Bernese - and I'm not sure she's up for the gamble again.  But if it's not a Bernese ...what would we get?   Maybe another PON?!   Or an entirely new breed!  But WHAT would it be?  I'm open to ideas.  I want one NOW.  My human says MAYBE  SOME day... As long as she's not thinking of trading me in!!!!!  Hmmmmm.....I hadn't considered that.  I guess I had better behave.  At least for a day or two... Anyway, if you have suggestions about what puppy I should get, let me know.  Because this will be MY  puppy- and I will be SURE to train him ALL my tricks....can you IMAGINE?!!!!

Have a great day!!!!

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