Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tag. You're it....

Well.  Apparently I was able to fool quite a few humans yesterday with my bear story yesterday.  My human said that given my usual bad behaviour and the fact that we live in the boonies, the story WAS credible.  And get this - a friend of my human said that a mother bear and her cub HAVE been spotted not far from where we live. So we WILL have to be careful!

Guess what? After having a winter without a SINGLE bird on the fancy feeder - the birds FINALLY discovered the buffet.  It may have something to do with the fact that my human moved the feeder further from the house.  After she thought we had squirrels in the attic.  Because of the feeder.  Well we have no squirrels in the attic -  but we FINALLY do have birds.  And they eat more than Frodo and I combined.  Who knew that little birds could eat so much? As long as my human doesn't decide to put any of OUR food in that feeder.

Speaking of food - Paxton is eating every day.  If my human feeds him by hand.  But he still has no energy.  I want my big bad brother back.  I hope the doctors can soon figure out how to make him better...

Today is April 2 and the first Saturday in April.  Which according to the crazy calendar is "Every Day is Tag Day".  It is a day to encourage pet owners to tag or microchip their pets.  That way, if your dog (or cat) is lost, he can be reunited with you if he is found.  All of us in this house have chips.  My human wishes the chips would also allow us to be tracked by GPS – that way she could follow our every move.  Like when I take off in the woods.  The technology to do GPS tracking IS almost there – but she hasn’t found the perfect device just yet.  Many of the devices have a short range - and we all know, I'm a long range kind of guy.  Honestly, I don't know what all the fuss is about when I go on a bunny hop, or a fox trot - I KNOW WHERE I LIVE.  I honestly believe I own THE most neurotic human ON THE PLANET.  I think her middle name is worry.  She needs to take a lesson from ME.  I NEVER worry.  Unless supper is not on time.....

That's the news from our corner of the world.  Have a great Saturday!

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