Monday, August 15, 2016

Guess who was naughty? No - not me!

So while I have been behaving as best I can, guess who was on the naughty list the other day? None other than Velcro dog!   My human took Jaws out for one of his 483rd pees of the day, and she didn't let me out with them - as I had been barking at something out the window - and she suspected a squirrel or bunny was in the vacintity.   But Velcro dog doesn't usually care about such things - so she let him out with them for the pee-a-thon.  Velcro dog went out and stared at the woods.  She told him "no" and he calmly went to walk around the island we have in the middle of our driveway.  While she was waiting for Jaws to pee, she didn't notice that Velcro dog went around the island and started trotting up the driveway - away from the house.  He was totally sneaky about it.  She shouted to him- and he basically ignored her, hurrying up the driveway and off into the woods.  She came in the house, and told the Hulk we had an escapee.  He took a leash and calmly went after Velcro dog, while Jaws and I waited in the house with my human.  Sure enough, in less than 3 minutes, Velcro dog was happily trotting back down the driveway, followed by the Hulk.  My human opened the door and he happily pranced in. I have to hand it to him - he is such a cool dude.  When I take off - usually after wildlife, I make a huge spectacle thrashing through the woods, barking like mad.  But not Velcro dog - he is quiet in his wandering - in fact it is one of the ONLY times he is quiet.  Who knows - maybe he wasn't even going after wildlife - he may have gone up to the neighbor's place to check out their new cat.   But he came back and was quite pleased with himself. Score one for Velcro dog.

He also showed his rebellious side yesterday when it was raining.  You know him - he has a "thing" about pooping in the rain.  We had to wear the dreaded raincoats - I don't mind my flashy blue number, but Velcro dog detests his ill-fitting plaid version.  He took one look when my human brought it out - and planted himself squarely under the dining room table.  She dragged us out for our morning walk - the determined woman followed by two unhappy PONs in a funeral march.  Jaws had been out already and had pooped quickly so he stayed safe and dry in the house.  I know the drill so I pooped quickly as well.  But not Velcro dog.  My human ended up bringing me back in the house and continued on the walk with Velcro dog.  After about 20 minutes in the torrential rain, he finally pooped and then happily trotted home. I don't know who was happier when they walked in the door - Velcro dog or my human!

My human is still off this week.  I can't WAIT to see what adventures she has planned for us. And of course we have our own adventures planned as well - we wouldn't want her to get bored!

Have a happy Monday.

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