Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Prayers. For a human...

It's been a rough couple of weeks in our house.  As you know, I had my seizures.  Thankfully I haven't had another - and I SEEM fine - but my human has only been half-sleeping because they happened in the night - and she's still worried they could happen again.

And now, someone very close to my human is in the hospital.   And you know, we dogs KNOW when our humans are stressed and worried.  We can just tell.  We have a sense about such things.  And because we have that sense, we have all been behaving rather well the past few days.  I haven't run off.  I haven't grumbled at Jaws.  Frodo hasn't attempted to steal food from the food bin.  Oh wait.  He did yesterday.  But just once.  Elroy isn't biting.  As much.  We are all trying our best - to make our human feel better.  

I can't go into too much detail here - but I know that I have readers from all around the globe - and I am hoping that you might take a minute today to say a little prayer for a special person in Nova Scotia.  It would be appreciated more than you will ever know. 

Thank you...and I hope you have a stress-free waggy-tailed kind of day.