Thursday, August 18, 2016

Miracles do come true...

Frodo and I were naughty yesterday.  VERY naughty.   But we witnessed a miracle.  

It was lunch time.  We don't usually get lunch - we are usually fed just two meals each day - breakfast and supper.  But Jaws gets three meals a day, so to make us feel like we are not missing something, my human puts a few kibbles in our bowls at lunchtime too.  Which is inhaled in 125th of a second - but hey - it's free food.  Anyway, while she was preparing lunch for Jaws, she opened his new bag of puppy food - and it was on the counter.  She filled his bowl and sequestered him safely in the hallway to have his meal.  Frodo and I  had our paltry ration  and quickly came back to check out the kitchen counter - before the bag of food was put away.  My human had her back to us as she had noticed a voicemail message on the phone.  As she went to listen to the message, ONE of us - I'm not saying who, jumped up to get a better whiff of Jaws' bag of puppy food.  And the next thing you know - it was raining dog food.  The whole OPEN bag came crashing down on the kitchen floor. Frodo thought it was a miracle.  An absolute miracle.  And he DOVE in.  And of course yours truly did as well.  My human spun around and shouted "NO!!!!"  At which point Frodo and I got into a rumble about who could grab the most food as we were being dragged away from the pile spread across the kitchen floor.  We were biting and growling and snapping at each other.  Frodo was actually moaning as his biggest dream had come true for .8 seconds - and here he was being dragged away.

I was sequestered in the bedroom while Frodo was taken downstairs.  All the while, Elroy was obliviously munching on his meal in the other room.

My human and the Hulk cleaned up the food and my human made sure no pieces went under the dishwasher - as Frodo would have personally moved the appliance to get any.

When all was cleaned up, we were released from our bondage to inspect the floor for any possibility of a missing  kibble.  No such luck.  Frodo and I looked at each other with disappointment.

So, my friends... this is proof that miracles DO come true...even if for a few short moments. 

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