Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I like him. Or I'm sure I will...

Phew.  Day two is over.  And I need a vacation.  I thought I had energy.  Holy moly. Elroy AKA Jaws is giving ME a run for my money.  And oh my - he is SMART.

He slept well his first night here.  He squeaked at 3:30 in the morning and my human took him out for a pee while Frodo and I guarded the door and welcomed him back in.  At which point he thought it was party time.  We did too.  But he was put back in his crate, the lights went out and the party was over.  Humans.  No sense of spontaneity.

Yesterday morning he had a walk around half the property and got his first view of the lake. I have a feeling he is going to love it.  

He clearly loves water.  In fact, this water bowl thing is QUITE a challenge.  The bowl is filled, and Jaws immediately empties it - by putting two paws in and splashing it all out.  Then Frodo has to tiptoe around the floor so he doesn't get his feet wet.  

Oh and as for keeping him "sequestered" - well FORGET gates.  He is one clever guy.  My human had a gate propped against the front screen door.  It works for me and Frodo.  But not Jaws.  My human had it blocked off and the next thing she knew - she looked up and saw him standing OUTSIDE the screen door.  He managed to wiggle past the gate and push the screen door open.  He seemed pretty darn proud of himself - standing there wagging his tail.  A new system will have to be designed.

Frodo likes to try and play with him.  
I initially ignored him but yesterday gave him a sniff.  And THAT'S when we decided to play chase.  IN the dining room.  Around the dining room table.  And into the hall and around the table.  And again, because humans have no sense of spontaneity, the game was quickly stopped after two rounds as my human had visions of someone getting hurt. She needs to chill out.  Later in the day I decided to ignore him again.  In fact, I decided the whole concept of a puppy was just too much for me to take.  So the first chance I got to chase a rabbit - well - I took it.  I was gone for about 15 minutes.  But then I decided I SHOULD go back.  My human thinks I will adjust but it clearly may take more than 24 hours.  Here is a photo of me sitting alone and feeling sorry for myself that I am no longer the baby of the household. 

I must say, that crate is a good thing - which comes in handy at night - and when Jaws needs a little bit of down time.  Because Jaws has no "off" switch.  And the attention span of a gnat.  "Oh - I think I'll have a drink.  Wait - what is that toy?  Look this carpet looks good enough to eat.  That PON has a cool shaggy tail.  I think I'll have a drink.  What was that noise?"  And that's in a 20 second span of time.  

It was yesterday that my human realized something.  Elroy is the reincarnation of one big fuzzy tri-colored dog.  Really.   She went back to read a story that she wrote 7 years ago - when Paxton was a puppy.  And there are remarkable similarities. I do not think it is coincidence.  He's back.  And we're glad he is. Well Frodo is.  And I must confess, I am too....or I will be soon enough...

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