Thursday, August 11, 2016

How to get attention. Throw up.

So Velcro dog decided he wanted some attention. But trust me - it's not like we are not getting plenty of attention - even with our new addition.  The Hulk is still visiting AND my human is on vacation - so she is home with us almost all day.  Except for a few hours when she had to go into the office on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Anyway, we all went down to the lake on Monday and Velcro dog and I stared as Jaws not only went in the water - but he actually SWAM for about 30 seconds.    While he was training for the canine water Olympics, Velcro dog and I were munching on some grass. When Jaws got out of the water, he raced around like crazy and my human headed back to the house with him and me.  But Velcro dog had disappeared. He eventually came - after what seemed like FOREVER - but was probably about 5 minutes.  And all was right with the world.

Anyway, the next morning Velcro dog seemed fine.  We all went for a long walk, he ate his breakfast - or should I say he inhaled his breakfast, he had a good poop (not that I care - but as we know, you humans take stock in such things) and he was full of energy.  Until about an hour after the walk.  He climbed up on our so-far-indestructible dog bed and promptly threw up his breakfast.  Well - if you want to send my human into a tailspin, throw up.  She immediately tried to rack her brain and figure out why.  She did inventory on the dog toys and all were accounted for.  So she figured it must have had something to do with what he had eaten down by the lake  Most likely a LOT of grass - as we all seem to find the grass at the water's edge most delectable. She waited a while and tried to offer him a biscuit - which he refused.  That's when my human REALLY began to panic.  A PON?  Refuse food?  She raced to the internet.  It's not as if she hadn't figured out that this bout of nausea was MOST likely related to his absence the day before - but you know her. Time to Google all the possibilities.  What a horrid human behavior - you deliberately drive yourselves crazy. Velcro dog seemed out of sorts - but keep in mid that he IS a drama king.  Trim his nails or even groom him and he acts as if he is being tortured.  So IMAGINE him with stomach upset...

While my human was Googling, the air suddenly turned blue.  Compliments of moi.  That grass really WAS good.  

My human fawned over Velcro dog.  He got double the attention.  But within a few hours, he was feeling FINE and he was starving for his supper.  My human gave him a little bit - to be sure his stomach was ok.  He gobbled it down and all stayed down.  And yours truly never felt better, besides the fact that I could have cleared the room several times that day.

The next day, all was again right with the world.  Everyone was eating, drinking and pooping fine.  I ALMOST tried to play with Jaws outside but then I changed my mind.  I'm still playing hard to get.  

Just another day in paradise!

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