Friday, March 20, 2015

Nice humans

HELP!  It's deeper than I thought!!!

So lots of times we read in the papers about humans who are not so nice to each other.  We read about murders and abuse and war.  The bad side of being a human.

But beneath it all, humans REALLY are not so bad.  At least most of them.  Sure there are some who are bad to the core – but I think they are in the minority.  And because they are good, that’s why we canines keep them.

And yesterday we saw an example of how nice humans can be.  Really nice. So we had the BIG snowstorm.  And I apologize about talking about snow all the time – but it’s kind of in my face right now.  Literally and figuratively.   My human was even going a little snow crazed – so she posted the attached poster on-line.  If you live in Nova Scotia, you can truly appreciate the humor.
 But back to the nice human story.  So. Here we were.  COMPLETELY snowed in.  The plow guy wouldn’t come.  He said he would get stuck in our driveway like the last time.  So my human called the guy with the backhoe.  It was BROKEN.  Seriously.  He said when he got it fixed (whenever that would be) he would do the driveway.  So we were REALLY stuck.  And then.  Out of the blue.  The phone rang.  A neighbor down the road saw the driveway and asked if he could snowblow it for us!  My human just about cried.  And he wasn’t even looking to be paid – but of course, my human DID insist on paying him. I mean she would have given him just about anything.  I suggested Paxton – but she gave me a dirty look and said no.  So a HUGE thanks to neighbor Doug for saving us.  I mean we only had one 40 lb bag of dog food left – and I was starting to get worried! 

So you see, humans CAN be nice.  Very nice.  And as I said before, THAT’S why we keep them.

Oh.  And by the way.  Happy Alien Abduction Day. I'm not joking.  Somebody somewhere is celebrating it.  Maybe on Mars.  OK, humans are nice.  But I still think a little crazy.

©  Linda Wozniak

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