Thursday, March 26, 2015

Social Media...

I’ve talked before about social media – and how cool it is that it connects people.  My human and I have met some really great people since I, well we, started this blog. And Facebook is also a cool way to find out about all kinds of things.  You can see how your friends did at the dog show, where they went on vacation, how to make dog biscuits and you can see photos of dogs dressed in ridiculous holiday attire.  Hint. Hint.  Sometimes you DO have to be careful though – because things get posted from unreliable sources.  Also, we need to keep in mind that most people just post happy things that they are doing so it kind of gives us a skewed version of life.  I mean really, who wants to read bad stuff – we have the news for that.  So Facebook gives us the fake “movie set” view of life.  But that’s not to say that movies aren’t FUN – and an entertaining way to learn things.

Once upon a time, people communicated via old-fashioned letters that they sent in something called the “mail”.  That’s back in the days of my human.  I don’t remember that far back. And sometimes, I hear, that people would send something called “chain letters.” You would get a letter and it would tell you to do something.  If you didn’t do it, something bad might happen to you.  And if you did it – well all kinds of mysterious surprises would come your way.  If you were the least bit superstitious, you probably sent out those 10 letters and waited for the surprises.  And waited.  And waited. And waited….

Today people don’t send those messages in the old-fashioned form via the mail– but they DO send them electronically – especially on Facebook.  But now the message will be that if you don’t want to see “pickles being tortured in vinegar,” you should post the message or share it with EVERYONE you know.  So for days, you will see the “pickle torturing” message on the walls of numerous Friends.  And then it will die out.  But don’t worry – it WILL come back again.  Several months later. 

Sometimes the chain messages ARE kind of interesting, though.  And there is no threat of dire consequences if you don’t comply.  Just “Friend Guilt”.  For example, there is one that SOMEONE started recently– and I have a bone to pick with it.  Pun intended.

The chain idea is to ask  “X” number of friends to share their 5 favorite dog breeds.  To be honest, the idea of sharing this info is actually very interesting.  It’s fun to see what breeds your friends like.  Except for one small glitch.   Think about it.  EVERYBODY puts down the breed that they currently own – or have owned as one of their choices.  Seriously.  I would HOPE so!!!  I mean what would it say if my human filled out her top favorite breeds and PONs did not even make the list?!  I mean does that even happen very often?!  I SUPPOSE you could get a dog that you don’t care for – but seriously people – would you post it on Facebook?!  How to give that poor dog a MAJOR complex!  I hope he chews your shoes.  So MAYBE the request should have been for the top favorite breeds that you have never OWNED.  Just sayin’!

Anyway,  those are just a few of MY observations about social media.  I DO enjoy it, though– oh and by the way, I met my New Year’s Resolution to have 14 LIKES on my Facebook page by May.  So - don't misinterpret my rant about social media. And I AM thinking about starting a chain message, myself, about your top 5 favorite dog biscuit recipes.  Now THAT would be excellent!!! And THEN I just have to get my human to make them….

©  Linda Wozniak

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